My oldest son asked me about the word censorship after seeing the word on the cover of a magazine. I thought for a moment about the word. Censorship. What comes to mind when your hear this word?
I suppose the answer to that question would depend on how and where the word is used. The Censorship GateI like to think of censorship as a gate to content. Content is the message. Content is the set of values which help define a philosophy. Censorship is the gate to that content. It is the permission to that content. It is the filter to the content. If you were to be able to access any given content, whether it be song lyrics, movies, books, videos, or art, censorship would either say yes to all, or selectively block certain parts. In this way, censorship becomes judge. If censorship judges, and it does, then the gate of censorship has to have a key. Someone has to program the gate to either open or close. Someone is opening and closing the gate of censorship. Should Scripture be Censored?The culture of the Judaeo/Christian values works hard at censoring adult themed content of both visual images, literature, and music. Is it okay for a six year old to see graphic images, visual content, violence, hatred, and hear vulgarity, slang, degrading, provocative and explicit lyrics? Should children be protected from the greed generated content of those who want to control, manipulate, corrupt, profane and enslave humanity? Should the wicked spirits using people who think they are above the law and know better than the King of the Universe be allowed to openly propagate their hateful agenda to strategically destroy [by constant aggressive machine-like pressure and battering] the ancient values of holiness an purity? Values have clearly become a battle zone between US and THEM. But the great question needs answering....which side are you on? May I suggest you are now on the THEM side. May I submit a thought? According the cultural standards of today's mainstream values, you are now on the THEM side if you hold to the ancient traditions and biblical standards of righteousness. If you are working mental aerobics to filter and censor Biblical ideas in order to avoid certain scriptural truths that would questionably cause offense to others, then I suggest you are compromising Heavens agenda. If you are compromising heavens agenda it is because you are afraid of man. You are not trusting in the Lord. When you trust in man for your resources and praise, you enslave yourself to the have walked into the trap set by man to keep you from the freedom you need to fulfill all that The Lord has called you to do. Draw the Battle LinesIf you and I have willingly made any of these compromises against the Kingdom of Heaven by sheepishly censoring the full and complete Word of The Lord in order for selfish ambition and gain, then its time to stop and draw the battle line. Let the lines be drawn. The battle Lines. Draw them. Take a stand. No more. Do all that is within you to follow in obedience the commands and dictates of scriptures. Don't back down from the strong clear holy language of scripture. Sing the songs. Sing the word....all of it. Put poetic justice in its rightful place by fully declaring the message of the scriptures. Out Loud. In song. Without apology. Sing the songs. All of them. Release the message of the Kingdom that has been burning in your heart. Let's release the message of the kingdom that has been burning in our hearts. Sing the songs. Sing the scriptures. Let passion and strong fervency fuel Gods message to the nations through your voice and musical giftings. Let the battle lines be drawn and take your stand. Fight the good fight of faith with your words....words seasoned and anointed from the scriptures. Proclaim and declare the mighty power of the Lord as he has cast down the great harlot and whore of Babylon. He has over come the great dragon. The great dragon has no glory. no future. The great dragon is expelled and banished. The great dragon is not all powerful and has to answer to the authority of the Lord. You are that authority, if you are to be found in Christ Jesus. All authority has been given to the triumphant Christ. As a result of our being adopted and in-grafted as believers, we have been given the mandate to exercise this this great authority with all of heavens backing. We partake in Gods divine nature and by the words of our testimony and by the shed blood of the Lamb of God we overcome. We enforce the victory of our lord though acts of love. We love the people and we curse the Antichrist spirit operating in the world today. The spirit that has come to strategically destroy Gods people by cleverly hypnotizing them with slow pendulum swings progressive cultural acceptances. These progressive swings are the identifying elements of the ancient nations of the world who set their heart towards the small gods of creation, the idols and things made by the hands of man, and the placing affection on the creation over the creator. The same attractions that pulled the nation of Israel away from their devotion to The Lord, Adonai. Even today, this resurrecting nation is still searching. Still searching for the messiah, which The Lord has placed right in front of their eyes. Reformation!In general it appears western culture has been successfully lured away from the first love of the Lord. A deeper look into scriptures would help confirm. Look for yourself.
As a result of the last 40 years, we now have to reintroduce the words of the Kingdom. We have to teach the language and vocabulary of the Kingdom. We would do well to look into the scriptures over the internet. There are many voices but only one will have the final say. Let's decide who's side we are on. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Lets do the works of God with love with out bowing to demonic and deceptive agendas. Let's shout it loud from the mountain. Let's stop hiding the light in our pockets. Bring it out for all to see. Use the words of Scriptures. It may seem difficult, because it is, but lets make a conscience, determined and intentional effort to bring back the words of scriptures. Lets call things as they are. Let;s call those things that are as though they are. Lets exercise our God given right and authority to rule over the earth. This takes time. Time in worship. Time in prayer. Time fasting. Time reading and studying. Professors and teachers are steering the multitudes of this next generation into a place of exclusion. The Bible and its language is being excluded as archaic, non-truth, a work of mans imagination and no different than any other work of literature inspired by the creative imaginations of man, which are most often a direct result of some type of spirit influence, fear, pride, selfish ambition, confusion, lust, perversion, and antichrist. If these works are inspired in such a way, then why not the Bible inspired by the Holy Spirit? Why not? The Jews believe the Scriptures to be a tree of life to all who find and grasp them. Those who cling to these are happy. The ways of the the scriptures are pleasantness and all its paths are shalom...complete and full peace in every possible way. Lets sing our life song to the lord using the most powerful and lasting lyrics of the Holy scriptures. Uncensored. It would seem simple direct our singing to the Lord, yes? But how easy is this for us? I remember learning once the difference between simple and easy. Have you heard of this? Have you heard about the difference between simple and easy. Some tasks are really very simple in theory, but to accomplish and fulfill to completion some tasks are not so easy. Here's an example: the idea of building a successful business is simple. It's as simple as talking to people about your product or service. When you find the people looking for what you have to offer the product or service sells itself. Simple? yes! Easy? well....maybe not. Who are You Singing to?I am a singer. I sing everyday. I have been singing every day since 1992. Sometimes, I find that I am singing to myself. I have sung to others including church members, pastors, evangelists and leaders. I have sung to my peers, other worship leaders and musicians. I have sung to my family and all types of people in assisted living homes, coffee shops, public events, and a long time ago even a few restaurants and bars. I have even sung to circumstances and emotions, I have to to my problems, to conflict, confusion and unrest. But, how often do I sing to the Lord? How often do you sing to the Lord? SING THE Lord. Sing to, not aboutIn the Bible, there are several scriptures which outright command (imperatively) the reader and hearer to sing to the Lord. Psalm 96 of those scriptural commands. This means at times our singing should be done to the Lord. At these times we need to intentionally direct our song to the Lord. Although there are times when we are encouraged to sing to one another, we have to make sure we sing TO The Lord. Although there re times when we are encouraged to sing about all that the Lord has done, we must make sure we make the time to sing TO The Lord. In order to sing TO someone, it makes sense to me that you would need to be in that persons presence. If I want to talk with my wife, I need to need to get her attention. I've got to call her, text my attention to her. If it is important, I need to talk with here face to face. This is the best. better than phone, facetime, skype, or IM. I believe one of the reason we are to sing to The Lord is because he sings over us. The Lord sings over you if you belong to him. IN your midst, He lifts his voice as mighty warrior and sings over you with joy! According to the Prophet Zephaniah, it appears The Lords song over you is sung from a place of total victory. Total victory bears the fruit of peace. This peace, which transcends all natural reasoning and understanding, produces joy. God, the Lord, sings over you from your midst with Joy. From a place of power and victory, The King of the universe sings over you so sing to him. Sing to Him a NEW song!!! Pray with me:Father of all that is living and good, may I be reminded of your faithfulness. May a new song rise from my heart of appreciation and gratitude. With thanksgiving may I be granted access to your presence and holy throne. By the blood of the sacrificial lamb of God, I will enter into the holiest of places to lift up my song directly to you.
My first bible was King James Version (KLV). It was a gift from my third grade Sunday school teacher. I still have it. It has tiny print and the binding is a bit loose. What about you? Do you still have your first Bible? Do you have a Bible? Some people do not. When I was a teenager I was given a New International Version (NIV) Student Bible. I still that one too. The original cover is destroyed. In my second year of college, I had a friend who worked in the school library. one of his jobs to to send books that were falling apart to a company that would rebound books. I asked if he would help me rebind my bible. He did. I'm very thankful. It was as if was new.....but it wasn' had the same markings inside as before. That bible is on my shelve today with a strong and a generic black hardcover. A New Song 9xIn both the KJV and the NIV the words new song are mentioned in nine different places. Psalm 33:3 -Sing a new song of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp, and sing with joy. Psalm 40:3 -He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD. Psalm 96:1 -Sing a new song to the LORD! Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! Psalm 98:1 -Sing a new song to the LORD, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power! Psalm 144:9 -I will sing a new song to you, O God! I will sing your praises with a ten-stringed harp. Psalm 149:1 -Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song. Sing his praises in the assembly of the faithful. Isaiah 42:10 -Sing a new song to the LORD! Sing his praises from the ends of the earth! Sing, all you who sail the seas, all you who live in distant coastlands. Revelation 5:9 -And they sang a new song with these words: "You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seals and open it. For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. Revelation 14:3 -This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four living beings and the twenty-four elders. No one could learn this song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. HEBREW: chadashn (new) shiyr (song)The word used for NEW in the Old Testament Bible verses is transliterated: chadashn It simply means fresh. It comes from a root word meaning to be made new, renewed, and/or repaired. The word used for SONG in the Old Testament Bible verses is transliterated: shiyr This word is neutral gendered noun. In its feminine form it means song. In its masculine form it means sing. It comes from a root verb which meaning to sing as if traveling or strolling. It shares the same meaning as another verb used to describe a travelling about, to journey even dubiously as a harlot or merchant might travel. GREEK: kainos (new) ode (song)The word used for NEW in the New Testament Bible verses is transliterated: kainos It is an adjective which also means fresh. It also unused, unworn, recently made, novel, uncommon, unheard of. It is a word used more so with respect to 'freshness' than with 'age'. The word used for SONG in the New Testament Bible verses is transliterated: ode This word is feminine noun. It is a generic term meaning song, lay, ode. It comes from a verb word meaning to sing to the praise of anyone. Hebrew vs GreekWhen I study the words 'new song', I am intrigued that the Hebrew language seems to underpin the NEW SONG with the idea that the new song is a song which comes from the heart of the worship leading figure(s) moving forward in their journey to grow and gain clientele and sales (or, in this case other worshippers).
The new song carries with it the strength of both the man and the woman. The female is the song itself while the male is the singer of the song. This idea reminds me of the spiritual dynamic and relationship the covenant people of God (the bride) has with their God and Lord (the groom). The ultimate man sings the song of his friend, lover and bride. We become The Lords song. The new song is fresh in its approach. The old often becomes familiar and no longer carries the impact for conversion it once had. The new song is renewing. It is unused. The real new song may use the old words familiar words, the the words of my student bible, but it comes repacked with a new look coming from a new mercy from a new day and new heart, new appreciation, and new praise ...a new and fresh awareness of God's grandeur and glory. Pray with me: Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth. Great healer and mighty King of the Universe. Thank you for each new day and the grace and mercies that show up immediately in my life the second I open my eyes each morning. You have put a new song in my mouth. I will praise your name in the sanctuary. I will proclaim your deeds and wonders throughout the earth. I will keep my mind on you. Have your way in my life today and make my life a song others can sing to your glory! This book by Michael S Tyrrell was recommended by a friend. The book has a subtitle: Unveiling the Phenomena of Wholetones. I enjoyed the second part of the book much more than the first. Review
Chapter Titles
Healing of Sound QuotesMy favorite 10 quotes from this book are:
What I Really ThinkThis book was very interesting to me. Honestly, I was not very impressed at first. It did not grab my attention, if that makes sense. It seems like too much emphasis was placed on trying to build a defensible case for the intended content of the message (which also happens to be one of the messages of metaphysics). It was if what the author really wanted to share and say wouldn't be received without some long defense case with explanations of why the message should be accepted. It was apologetic with the apologetic, huh? It wasn't until about half way through the book, that the author opens up and gets into his real passion, which happens to be the healing power of frequencies and the error of most western tuning. Quite honestly it had a bit of a conspiracy theory feel to it....(which, I am not opposed too...I always like a good mental amusement). After all, the devil himself wears a mask to hide his true colors. The Colors of SoundMy favorite chapter was the one explaining the suspected result a particular frequency might have on the physical body.
Here is an example: Michael uses the identifying label of Transformation for the frequency of 528 Hz. With documented resources, Michael shares that this frequency has been proven to restore broken DNA. He even assigns a corresponding color for this frequency: bright green. The book gives a more in depth explanation to these theories and discoveries of the impact several different frequencies may have on our bodies while relating them to specifics point of the electromagnetic spectrum. This book also discusses the controversy of proper tuning. Should be really be tuning all our instruments to A 440 Hz? Michael says 'no'. The world, or at least most of the pop and commercial world seems to say 'yes'. This book is deep and seems to cover two or three scientific properties associate with sound. This book by Ryan Malone is intriguing. I highly recommend this book to all musicians and singers, especially worship leaders. First off, it is free. Yes, free. I found it online and was able to order a hard copy from the ministry. It took a few weeks to show up in my mailbox, but when it did I was excited. A very clear, complete and concise picture was painted for me as I read about the music of heaven compared to the music of earth. Review
Chapter TitlesIntroduction: Expanding the Throne Room Culture
Worship Quotes
Fresh PerspectiveThis book offers a fresh perspective on worship music.
I enjoyed reading about how music in heaven existed before earth. I liked reading about ancient cultures using harmonies and sophisticated and complex forms. Overall. Great book. "Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking." -Daniel 7:11 "As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them..." -Daniel 7:21 This word phrase for 'the horn' or 'this horn' is the same Hebrew word used by King Nebuchadnezzar to decree a national policy of idolatry by using instrumental music as the call to worship. The word translated 'horn' is 'qeren'. The outline of its biblical usage is as a musical instrument, a symbolic representation (as within a dream or vision), and/or that of an animal. In various versions this Hebrew word 'qeren' is also translated as cornet, trumpet (or trumpets), and ram's horn. Although there are other Hebrew words and phrases translated as horn, it seems this particular variation of the word horn is only used in the book of Daniel. A Demonic Ensemble...The horn included in Nebuchadnezzar's ensemble was the first of several musical instruments listed. Is there a reason? In the Bible, the word horn is used as a metaphor for power, strength, and honor. A metaphor is a word or phrase used to help explain a different word or idea. By placing the horn first in his list of musical instruments, King Nebuchadnezzar was making a bold and arrogant statement. It appears this Babylonian King was exalting himself above all others. He was using the horn to do so. He was exalting himself by making public policy. He was using the fine arts to do so. He was using music to do so. He was directly influenced by the great serpent and dragon of Revelation. He was inspired and lead astray. He was deceived into thinking of himself more highly that he should have. Pride was found in his heart and for those of you who know some scripture will know what happens before the epic and public falls and collapses of men and women and all the works of their hands. The angel of light who had fallen from his first estate, banished from his place of glory....the one who now searches for those he can deceive and destroy knows how to lead a rebellion. This great enemy of The Lord has declared war against God's Kingdom, and throne. The CEO of darkness is working today as he has been through the history of the planet and the race humans. This father of lies uses the goods and truths of The Lord for himself. He does not give credit to whom credit is due. He is delusional. He is relentlessness and he is desperate. He is not nice. He is mean, He is a backstabber because he will smile and appear nice to the point of winning the confidence and truth of his prospects. This archenemy of The Lord uses strategies and schemes from beyond what is seen. He is able to inspire humanity into revelation and technologies in such a way that humanity feels entitled, compelled and proud to boast in the their credits of achievements. Lucifer the Conductor...Lucifer is a conductor. He conducts a demonic and rebellious ensemble. This ensemble is militant to lead the nations into idolatry. In the book of Daniel, we read that King Nebuchadnezzar used interrogation, fear and force to make his subjects bow in idol worship. How different are things today? Are the pressures to succumb to political spirits which oppose the standard of truth and righteousness becoming stronger in our nations? Lucifer is also a composer. He understand music and the elemental powers of music. His composition of idolatry is ongoing. This composition of idolatry has been performed from the beginning and will continue until the end. From beginning to end. You are a part of the story. You are a part of the Divine Saga. What is your part? Pray with me: Father of lights and all that is good. Show me Your ways. I will walk in your love and understanding. You are my strong tower. You have given me ears to hear what Your spirit is saying about music. May my heart be positioned and directed towards you in all I say and do. Make my life your song. Make me an instrument in your symphony Lord.
Music of instruments...“When you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, liar, harp, pipes, and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the golden image that king Nebuchadnezzar has set up.”When you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, liar, harp, pipes, and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the golden image that king Nebuchadnezzar has set up.” According to the Strongs concordance, the use of the word music in this verse indicates instrumental music. The verse could be read, “... and all kinds of instrumental music...”. The word music here is transliterated zemar. Zemar means music of instruments. Musical LanguageLanguages can be complex at times. Languaging can be even more so. The language itself is concrete, like hardware. Languaging (semantics) however, is more esoteric. It can be misconstrued. Languaging is not what you say but how you say it. It is more subject to viruses, much like software. Zemar not ZamarZemar comes from another word transliterated Zamar. Zamar means to touch and possibly strike the strings or parts of a musical instrument accompanied by voice. The word Zamar is translated in the Scriptures many other times as praise, sing, sing psalms, sing fourth. The word zemar in our text is only used four times throughout Scripture. The word zamar is used over 40. Music only, no wordsThe word for this post is Zemar. This word is suggestive of music only, no words. It appears King Nebuchadnezzar used instrumental music to impose Idolatry into the culture. This was a crafty move because instrumental music is music expressed in its truest form. Instrumental music originates out of the condition and desire of a heart and effectively communicate so. Many people believe music to be a language. There is a message in purpose to all music, even instrumental. The message and purpose of the music King Nebuchadnezzar and his chosen musicians was a call to worship. Instrumental music was used to bring all the peoples attention to the idle and the false god. What is Missing?Something was missing from the music of king Nebuchadnezzar. What was it?
Words. Words were missing from the music. Words help clarify and bring meaning to the music’s message and purpose. Words, even if they are abstract and poetic, help define the mission of the music. In the Episcopal liturgy, there is a prayer called the prayer of confession. This is a prayer of the people. In this congregational prayer there are these words which I am reminded. “We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed by what we have done, and by what we have left undone.” It is what we have left on done that draws my attention. The instrumental music of king Nebuchadnezzar’s court left out the critical, most important part. Words. Could this have been a strategic to attempt to deceive and miss guide this cultural and political move by expressing half truths? The Music of GoldKing Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. It would appear from the text that King Nebuchadnezzar ruled a kingdom of influence, power, and progress. This king used music as a tool to call his kingdom to worship. He had a 90 foot high image made from gold. He set is up for all to see. He first invited all the kingdoms leaders and important people to a ribbon cutting ceremony and party. Once all the successful and influential people had arrived to see the image together, King Nebuchadnezzar made sure to let them all know in a LOUD voice the following mandate and command: “Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do: As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.” Ultimatums...King Nebuchadnezzar demanded a cultural response to his agenda of false worship. False worship is the worship is idolatry. False worship is replacing The Creator God with the creation. This command for worship had no exceptions. If some decided they did not want to worship this image, they would need to be prepared to face death. King Nebuchadnezzar said, "Worship this image when I tell you to or die!" The command for outright idol worship was a cultural stab and attempt to end true worship. The Politicians and Scholars propagated... At this time some astrologers came forward and denounced the Jews. They said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “May the king live forever! Your Majesty has issued a decree that everyone who hears the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music must fall down and worship the image of gold, and that whoever does not fall down and worship will be thrown into a blazing furnace. But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.” This ultimatum used fear and control. This reminds me of a dream I had of President Donald Trump. I recommend checking it out. Idol Worship...It seems like King Nebuchadnezzar knew something about the power of music. Did he know its important role in devotion, reflection, and worship? Did he know the expression of the soul with which music communicates? Did he know music existed before the Earth? Did he know songs surround the Most High God? Did he know how music controls atmosphere?
King Nebuchadnezzar used the creativity of fine arts to draw attention away from the one true living God. This particular policy of King Nebuchadnezzar had a much more sinister agenda. Could this musically influenced mandate have been fueled by and directly inspired by the devil himself? Integrity...When I think of the word comprise, I am reminded of the word integrity. The word integrity reminds me of words and ideas like pure, focus, solid, whole, complete, perfect, structured in purpose, and a fulfilling of intent and vision. Integrity is a result of someone bringing their convictions, plans and agenda into alignment with the plans and purpose of God and his eternal kingdom. In this sense of the word, I suggest the word Integrity implies a perfect harmony and unity producing highly influential and lasting results within the context of community and culture. Applying these words and thoughts about integrity helps to consider the power integrity can offer. Once I heard someone share an explanation of integrity which I really like. They said people who are the same publicly AND privately have integrity. Most people act, say and do things privately they would not dare do publically. This is not a good example of integrity. This type of behavior could lend itself as unpredictable, unreliable, not genuine and hypocritical. Let's just say is this way: hypocrites do not have integrity. Integrity is a respectable power that draws from in inner source of commitment, conviction, passion, and transparency. Individuals with integrity have power. Compromise...Compromise weakens the power of integrity. Those who compromise their convictions, focus and standards are giving permission for an enemy to advance the purpose of the devil and his kingdom. The devil was the first to compromise. He is the first to the compromise the standards that helped give him such a place of prominence before his willful act of rebellion. I believe the devil uses skillful strategies and forceful tactics to either lead or push us into some type of compromise. A Dream about TRUMPI would like to share a dream with you. I had this dream June 8, 2018. "The Lord opened my mind to an awareness of my unbelief, in order that I might Remember my transgression and turn with all my heart to the Lord my God." -St Patrick
In the gospel of Luke we read that Jesus Christ opened the minds of two people. That is a statement worth repeating. Jesus Christ opened the minds of two people. Why? The Book of Luke shares with us a simple answer. Jesus opened the mind of two people so they could understand the Scriptures. If there is one thing that would help guarantee the salvation of our family, friends, and communities, I think it would this; that we understand the scriptures. It would be near impossible to separate a true understanding of Scriptures from an understanding of the Messiah figure interwoven throughout the entire Bible. What if we all truly had our minds open to understand the Scriptures? What is we all truly had our minds open to the understanding of the Jewish Messiah? In Peter's first letter he writes about the Old Testament prophets. Peters writes that The Nevi'im (Hebrew word for The Prophets) had The Spirit of Messiah within them. This Messiah Spirit, which can also be understood to be breath, or wind, indicated, or expressed through their writings the sufferings of this Messiah. According to Peter's understanding of the Scriptures, the Nevi'im carefully investigated and searched for the very salvation available today through Christ. Peter even goes so far as to share with us in his letter that these prophetic messages about the Messiah were provided, not for the prophets themselves, but to Peters audience. The messages of the New Covenant which have been announced through those who spoke and declared the Good News by the Holy Spirit are being passed along to us thru the understanding of Scripture. Did you know even the angels desire to catch a glimpse of these things? Pray with me, "Lord God of Heaven and Earth, who fills my heart with wonder, grant to me an open minds. Open my mind now, that I may come to understand the fullness of your plan for my life. Your words are not old only, they are also new. They are life giving and present. May I come to know you more intimately as you open my mind to understand the scriptures. In Jesus Name. Amen." |
AuthorOver the course of history, writing has proven to change lives. I write to continue the legacy. Archives
October 2023